Happy Valentine’s Day, Smarter Vets! Over the years, we’ve seen couples argue over money time and time again. In fact, financial issues are one of the top reasons for divorce. We want our Smarter Vet couples to succeed not only in their careers, but in their relationships as well. In this week’s episode, we share the top reasons we’ve seen couples argue about money, and how you can rise above.
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Extra resources galore!
Listen to more episodes: https://flveterinaryadvisors.com/smarter-vet-financial-podcast/
Watch the no cost 5 part video course to review your finances and see where you could be doing better in your finances.
5 Foundational Steps to Financial Balance Video Course-http://series.flvetadvisors.com/
Find out what you could be overlooking within your practice by taking our brief assessment
Test My Personal Financial IQ-https://flveterinaryadvisors.com/personal-test/
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